Advisor Workstation
Integrated solutions to help meet evolving client needs.
We provide a fully integrated advisor platform solution via SmartStation®. This single sign-on platform is designed with the advisor-client relationship in mind. It’s human-centered design supports the way advisors work and clients live, and helps provide a means to deepen relationships.
A world-class advisor platform with single sign-on to all applications to help manage real-time client data, account performance, trading tools, portfolio reporting and contact management. Market news and access to an extensive Research Center help round out one of the most robust and customizable advisor workstations available, and provide a ready means to manage all aspects of a successful practice.
Housed within SmartStation, this timesaving application gives advisors a more intuitive way to view client data so they can focus more on collaborating with clients on their long-term goals and investment plans.
The Envision process is an innovative planning approach that centers on a client’s life goals and dreams, and helps the advisor and client connect on a deeper level to create loyal and trusting client relationships.
Plan to Pie is an application that helps advisors monitor portfolios and keep clients engaged in meaningful conversations about their life and financial goals.

Smart2Go is an iPad®** application that gives advisors on-the-go access to key client data from their books of business to help them meet client expectations and facilitate more interaction.

Provide clients and financial advisors a collaborative and digital experience by inviting clients to adjust and model various goals to see the impact of these changes on their investment plans. Financial advisors use additional tools to participate in the client experience by receiving alerts when their clients make changes and by having access to view the client-created scenarios.
An application in SmartStation that generates a timely, easy-to-understand summary of a client’s financial picture. These reports simplify the information clients are looking for, so they can better understand where they stand in relation to achieving their goals.
Clients can access their investment accounts online and see a similar experience across devices (desktop, tablet, and mobile). The secure online service provides a convenient portal for clients to view their accounts and help stay on top of their entire investment portfolio, the markets, and the economy1. Advisors may access a consolidated view of their clients’ portfolios, Envision scores, and contact information.

Arguably, the number one expense for brokerage firms today is their investment in technology. At First Clearing, we're the ones to make the commitment; our client firms reap the rewards.
1 Access to on-line services may be limited, delayed or unavailable during periods of peak demand, market volatility, system upgrades or maintenance, or electronic, communication or system problems, or for other reasons. During times of high volume of trading at the market opening, or intra-day, clients may experience delays in system access, or execution at prices significantly away from the market price quoted or displayed at the time the order was entered.
*Wells Fargo Investment Institute, Inc. (WFII) is a registered investment adviser and wholly-owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., a bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company.
**iPad® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.
Elements of the Envision presentations and simulation results are under license from Wealthcare Capital Management LLC © 2003-2020 Wealthcare Capital Management LLC. All Rights Reserved. Wealthcare Capital Management LLC is a separate entity and not directly affiliated with First Clearing.
SmartStation®, InfoMAX®, Envision®, Envision® Plan to Pie®, Growth Accelerator® and Smart2GoSM are registered service marks of Wells Fargo & Company and used under license.
IMPORTANT: The projections or other information generated by Envision regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. Results may vary with each use and over time.
Envision methodology:
Based on accepted statistical methods, the Envision tool uses a simulation model to test your Ideal, Acceptable and Recommended Investment Plans. The simulation model uses assumptions about inflation, financial market returns and the relationships among these variables. These assumptions were derived from analysis of historical data. Using Monte Carlo simulation the Envision tool simulates 1,000 different potential outcomes over a lifetime of investing varying historical risk, return, and correlation amongst the assets. Some of these scenarios will assume strong financial market returns, similar to the best periods of history for investors. Other will be similar to the worst periods in investing history. Most scenarios will fall somewhere in between. Elements of the Envision presentations and simulation results are under license from Wealthcare Capital Management LLC © 2003-2020 Wealthcare Capital Management LLC. All Rights Reserved. Wealthcare Capital Management LLC is a separate entity and not directly affiliated with Wells Fargo Advisors.
Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by two separate registered broker-dealers: Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC and Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC, Members SIPC, non-bank affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company.